Wednesday 8 July 2015

Chatty FC - Hollywoodbets Newton Park

Eastern Cape
Hollywoodbets Newton Park
Chatty FC

Hollywoodbets Newton Park chose Chatty FC as their team of choice for Hollywoodbets' Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The Hollywoodbets team talks about the club.

Newton Park delivered Chatty FC’s soccer kit. They are an under-13 team who play at the Bethelsdorp Police Station grounds.

It was our first actual charity handover event and the first time that Hollywoodbets sponsored the Northern Areas. On our arrival the coach of the under-13 team received us with a very warm welcome.

He took us through to where the kids were practicing. It was so awesome to see such young boys enjoying themselves on the field and loving it. We handed them their new uniforms and they were so excited, they could not wait to put it on. They were so happy and joyful with such big smiles on their faces. It was such a great experience for me and my team to see the children so excited and running around in their new Hollywoodbets kit. I could see that the coach really cares about these boys like they were his own. That is so rare and something that you don’t see very often.

Friday was a very happy moment for these children as well as their coach and their organization. Chatty FC is one of the many organizations in the Northern areas and they are well known for what they do. For me personally I would like for us here at Hollywoodbets to sponsor Chatty FC again, I could not think of a better organization and one that are so deserving but at the same time very humble. Once again Hollywoodbets touched a few children’s lives with their generosity. Thank you to the management Mureed/ Shardia Jacobs/Nashreen Jack that received us with open arms, we hope that you and the team will enjoy your new kit.

Hollywoodbets Newton Park sponsors Chatty FC.