Tuesday 7 July 2015

Tembisa Liverpool FC - Hollywoodbets Kempton Park

Hollywoodbets Kempton Park
Tembisa Liverpool FC

Hollywoodbets Kempton Park chose Tembisa Liverpool FC as their team of choice for Hollywoodbets' Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The Hollywoodbets team talks about the club.

This football club was established in 1997. They have 5 divisions U11, U13, U15 and a senior team which is U21 and all together have around 50 players.

Their mission is to improve the society and develop a better future for the youth of Tembisa. They would like to thank Hollywoodbets for their continued support through the years in helping them with soccer kits. Most of the coaches are unemployed and they rely on charity in order to operate.

They have recently made the decision to change the name and will from now on operate under the name 1632FC, this stands for the postal code of Tembisa 1632 and FC for United thus will be Tembisa United.

Hollywoodbets Kempton Park is proud to sponsor Tembisa Liverpool FC as part of their CSR programme.