Tuesday 7 July 2015

Villa Liza FC - Hollywoodbets Alberton

Hollywoodbets Alberton
Villa Liza FC

Hollywoodbets Alberton chose Villa Liza FC as their team of choice for Hollywoodbets' Soccer Sponsorship Programme. The Hollywoodbets team talks about the club.

The club started in 2010. Coach Kenney who is an ex-professional player, comes here to this area to coach the children. These children grow up under extreme circumstances, they live in one bedroom shacks with their parents and are exposed to bad things. Most of the player’s parents are unemployed and the children often don’t have food to eat. The team also doesn’t have gear and shoes, they don’t even have a proper field to train on, but they make the best of what they have and love to play soccer.

The team are very grateful for the kit, and were so excited to wear it; they didn’t even want to go on the ground as they were scared it will get dirty. Coach also thanked Hollywoodbets for the kit, and said it is so wonderful that Hollywoodbet gives back to our community, and that we will never understand how much it means to the team.

Hollywoodbets Alberton is proud to sponsor Villa Liza FC as part of their CSR programme.